
My time in Chicago was wonderful thanks to the amazing generosity of everyone I met! I was constantly having food bought for me, constantly having people want to meet up with me and take care of me. I rode my bike around the first morning I was there and got a lot of my touristy type things out of the way, then started to meet up with people. That afternoon I had the owner of Same Day Cafe in Logan Square take care of me and make me a wonderful lunch. Afterwards, I met up with a girl named Sasha for coffee, who so wonderfully offered to host me for the week! I stayed with her and her housemate a block away from Wrigley and experienced Chicago in a much different way than I ever was able to before, in a much less touristy way. I was invited to dinner by Alex Evans and his wife Logan, so we went to Giordano's for a deep dish pizza. Alex's younger brother is epileptic and it was great talking to him about shared experiences. They invited me to their home afterwards and...